Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pregnancy Care Center

Pregnancy Care Center


Love life.  It really is that simple. 
I recently had the privilege of speaking with Kimberly Costello, Development Director of the Pregnancy Care Center.  I think she wore a smile the entire two hours that we spoke, a joyous grin that couldn't be pried off with a crowbar. We discussed the history, services, and events of the PCC and nestled in each was a very lively story.  Oh, how I love a good life story!  As I listened to each one, the corners of my mouth began to creep upward, and when she stepped out of the room to grab some literature, I caught myself stretching out my jaw with OHH's and AHH's. Those smile-inducing stories are reflected in the name of their most recent campaign, NOW: Hope.Help.Life.   

In fact, the Pregnancy Care Center is full of people with hearts to help, to give hope, and cherish life.   The PCC's mission is to provide health, wellness, and relationship education for young people facing an unplanned pregnancy, and presenting healthy relationship education in local schools to equip teens to make positive choices.   They do this through their many services free of charge:
  • Pregnancy Testing Program
  • Mentoring & Enrichment Programs
  • Ultrasound Program
  • Healthy Relationship Programs
  • Healthy Pregnancy Classes
  • Parents and the Law
  • Fatherhood Program
  • Community/Medical Referral
  • Family Support Program
  • Labor and Birth Courses
  • Adoption Education
  • Lactation Consulting
  • Baby and Maternity Resources
  • Smoke-free Babies
  • Community Presentations
  • Choices Project
The complete scope of these all-encompassing services are quite impressive.  Pregnancy Care Center partners with more than 50 community organizations, universities, schools, social service organizations, and foundations to meet the needs of every young woman and her family members that walk through their door.  They have served over 231,617 young people since 2000, delivered crisis intervention and medical services to 12,863 new clients, and volunteers have invested more than 440,716 service hours.  With the help of their wonderful staff, volunteers, and supporters, the PCC has been able to make a notable community impact.  Teen pregnancies have declined over 24% since 2000, and 100% of those that participated in PCC's Nutrition Education Program, have avoided low birth-weight and pre-term babies.  Over 95% of clients make a positive pregnancy choice following an ultrasound, and more than 6,100 lives have been saved.  PCC has been working passionately to reduce Community Red Flags which include:
v  Child Abuse and Neglect
v  Communicable Diseases
v  Domestic Violence
v  Homeless Children and Adolescents
v  Access to Health Care
v  Childhood Nutrition
v  Smoking During Pregnancy
v  Single Parents in Financial Distress
v  Children in Poverty
v  Illegal Drug Use

Pregnancy Care Center is definitely making a difference in our community, the proof is in the numbers.  Yet, the numbers are just a side effect, the real difference is in the lives of those that need a hand to hold, a friend to cry with and confide in, someone to reassure them that everything will be o.k.  PCC's goal is to save lives by respecting, honoring, and valuing each young woman they come in contact with.  In order to reach out to those in need, the Pregnancy Care Center has acquired a Mobile Medical Unit to connect with all those that are unable to get to the center or those that are unacquainted with the services the center offers.  The Mobile Medical Unit provides professional medical staff, pregnancy testing and ultrasounds.  The mobile unit's wheels roll through the Ozarks various days of the week, offering a direct, easily accessible center to those who need it  most.
You can help Pregnancy Care Center to continue to reach out to those that need hope, help, and life!  Find out how you can volunteer in any one of the many different positions PCC needs to fill at their Volunteer page or give financially at their Donate page.  PCC holds several events each year, find out more about their Annual Banquet coming up on April 13th. You can listen to Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Director, share her story at last year's banquet by clicking here. Thanks to the Pregnancy Care Center for searching out the heartbeats that bring a smile to the soul.  You can keep up with PCC and hear about all their amazing stories on facebook 

Find a way to get involved and love life!  Yep, it really is that simple.